No one thinks it’s possible, but children more and more are becoming victims to bullying. As technology continues to improve and communication becomes easier through social media, bullying so too will evolve. As parents it’s our job to remain vigilant and aware of all the platforms our children use in order to keep them safe from bully or worse.
Know what websites they visit
This one is crucial, we know where our kids are always, so why should their online location be any different? Knowledge of your kids online habits do not have to be reading every message they send, instead, ensure your children are using websites deemed safe by a credible source. A few examples are:
Be there and aware
When you take your child to the park you may be sitting on a bench a few feet away, but what you’re always doing is watching them. This should apply to online activities as well, the benefit to watching your child while they browse the computer allows you to learn their level of knowledge, once you know how comfortable they are online, you can begin to speak to them about the boundaries and dangers.
Talk to them
While this one may seem daunting, have no fear, many sources online offer help when speaking to your children about the dangers online. Need help talking to your kids? Check out these links: Here
Learn the lingo
Roughly 42% of children are bullied online, by understanding the signs, we can put an end to this. Slang like “Trolling” and “Dissing” may be used to cover hurtful or mean words. For resources about the lingo children use, click this link.
Guest Written by: Lorne Bronstein