Grace Hopper
Women inventor Grace Hopper is known as the "Mother of Computing"
Admiral Grace Hopper, born in 1906, was a brilliant woman known for her work with computers. She had a curious mind and loved machines, eventually becoming the first woman to earn a PhD in mathematics from Yale University. Hopper joined the Navy, serving for 42 years and rising to the rank of Rear Admiral. While working with the Harvard Mark I computer, she realized that computers needed special instructions to work properly. This led her to invent COBOL, an easy-to-understand programming language that became widely used. Even though COBOL is now considered old, some companies still use it today. Hopper's contributions to computer science have had a lasting impact. Your students can actually meet this great women inventor and computer pioneer, Grace Hopper at our TIME TRAVELING INVENTORS school assembly!
Learn about other inventors featured in our show: Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Nancy Johnson, George Washington Carver and Tim Berners-Lee.